Who We Are

The Spiritist Society of Chicago (SSC) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the study and practice of Spiritism, as codified by Allan Kardec, in its three basic aspects (scientific, philosophical and religious) in a friendly and nurturing environment.

What We Do

We embrace each person who arrives at our group and provide the Spiritist teachings as a resource for answering timeless questions, such as "Where do I come from? Why am I here? What is my life’s purpose? Why do I suffer?”, while promoting a sense of belonging.


Our Activities

We encourage spiritual enlightenment through the study and practice of Spiritism in our daily lives.

The study is centered on the teachings of Jesus under the light of the spiritist perspective. Together we learn that life is a journey of enlightenment and the present moment is the outcome of past choices as much as the future will be the result of today's choices.

An emphasis on self-knowledge and self-awareness as key factors for the transformation of one's world and reality are at the core of the spiritists' teachings. Self-awareness leads to a journey filled with conscious choices aligned with Divine Love and Justice.

Our activities include talks, study groups, passes, fraternal assistance, volunteering opportunities, and kids & youth spiritist education.

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